Which Caliber Bullet is Best for Self-Defense?
One of the most commonly asked questions from beginning shooters is what is the “best” caliber bullet to protect their home and family. This is a difficult question to answer because there are a multitude of variables that must be considered when making this important choice. Since shooters come in many different sizes, it’s impossible to prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution. Factors that must be taken into consideration include the size and weight of the shooter, hand strength, and ability to withstand the recoil of the gun chosen. Price often also comes into play, and if the gun will be used only by one person, or by several family members of different sizes. That said, there are some guidelines that will help new shooters select the appropriate firearm and caliber for their needs: Size and Strength of the Shooter - If you ever find yourself threatened at your home or business, you’ll certainly agree that the possession of any firearm, of any caliber, is better than no f...