
Showing posts from December, 2017

How to Talk to Your Kids About Guns

Parenting plays a key role when it comes to teaching kids safe practices around guns, and will build the foundation for them when it comes to how they act around them when they’re older. Small lessons and concepts can be forgotten, but with repetition children can remember standard safety procedures for years to come. The Eddie Eagle GunSafe program, started by the NRA, is meant to teach kids about gun safety in a fun and easy way. Below you’ll find the steps to teach your children: Stop: By teaching your child to stop when he or she sees a gun will allow them to take a moment to think about the other steps they need to remember about the rest of the gun safety instructions. Don’t Touch: A firearm that is left alone and not touched or disturbed is unlikely to fire, keeping your child, or anyone surrounding the gun, out of danger. Run Away: Telling your child to run away from a firearm removes the temptation to touch it, as well as the danger you could put another person in ...