Responsible firearms owners know that firearm safety is a priority in order to protect our children, prevent injuries, and keep our communities safe. Nearly all firearm accidents that occur in the home can be prevented by taking simple safety precautions. The number one way to prevent accidents and your firearm from getting into the wrong hands is proper and secure storage when not in use. All firearms should be kept in a locked storage case, cabinet or safe when not in use; this ensures that they are inaccessible to children and cannot be used without your permission. Storage cases are used for locking up and storing a firearm and are available in various sizes to accommodate firearms from handguns to hunting rifles and shotguns. For most storage solutions, there is the option of a digital keypad or combination lock to prevent unauthorized access. Even though the firearm is stored securely, a gun lock should be used as an additional safety measure and makes the firear...
Showing posts from September, 2019