How to Clean Your Handgun and Why it's Important

Let’s play a quick round of one of America’s favorite game shows; “Family Feud.” If we were to ask you to name some objects found around your home that often need a good cleaning, chances are “survey says” some of the top responses would include items you frequently use in your bedroom, bathroom and living room. But if you were to ask us this question, one of the first things we would say would be your handgun.

Cleaning your handgun

While this may not be an answer that would appear in the top 5 responses of those surveyed, it absolutely should be. Taking the best possible care of your handgun ensures that you and your loved ones are properly protected from harm. Giving it a frequent cleaning the right way is absolutely essential to maintain its quality and functionality.  When firing your gun, grimy substances, mainly from powder residue, are left on the exterior and on the barrel If your gun isn’t properly cleaned, this buildup increases over time, making future use of the gun dangerous and unpredictable.

Here a few best practices to keep in mind when it comes to correctly clean your handgun:

Purchase the Right Supplies
When it comes to starting to clean your handgun, you’ll need to buy some specific cleaning supplies and tools. Visit a local sporting goods store to make this task easy; many of them are stocked with pre-assembled cleaning kits. Make sure the kit includes a cleaning solvent, cleaning rods, a lubricant, cotton swabs, bore brushes, and polishing cloths.

Get the Gun ready
Never clean a firearm without unloading it first. You should start by first removing the magazine. From there, double check that there are no rounds in the chamber and disassemble the firearm according to the instructions from the gun’s manufacturer. Now, you are ready to clean the barrel.

Clean the Barrel
Use the brushes found in your cleaning kit to remove excess grime. Once that happens, get your lubricant and use it on both the barrel and the action. Finish it off with cleaning solvent before carefully reassembling your handgun.

While there’s no denying the importance of giving a frequent and thorough cleaning to items in your bathroom, bedroom, and living room, it is essential to make sure that taking proper care of your handgun should be added to your regular chore list. For more information on essential handgun maintenance and care, trust your friends and experts (and hopeful future Family Feud team) from Northern Illinois Carry, LLC. Visit our website to ask your specific questions about gun cleaning today.


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